Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Switching from Linux to Windows

I know its a real PITA to switch from linux to windows. But, I have no option when my employee softwares are written in windows :(.
I can live without everything but not without the terminal. cmd in windows completely sucks where the linux terminal is so awesome.
I do not want to use that windows cmd and the horrible pathname styling, and the tab completion, no ls, no pwd. I wonder how windows developers work.
Anyways, after exploring a lot of options I have finally concluded that cygwin is the best bet.
For now, this combination currently serves me, all I want from a terminal
a) cygwin (any other utility can be added as and when needed)
b) cygpath -aw (convert from linux path style to windows path style) and cygpath -pw (vice-versa)
c) ctrl+L for using 'clear' in terminal
d) I miss top though. I was used to use it a lot. Although "ps -W" is an equally good option.

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