Monday, September 8, 2014

The best productiviy hack

I read this post on reddit about how to hack your productivity. The post motivated me a lot and I want others too to get benefited from it. If you want to read the whole post this is the link:

There are only 4 rules:
1. No more zero days: Decide what you want to achieve. For example I want to be a better programmer. So, from today I wont let a single day pass when I have not worked something towards achieving my goal. Even if I can manage to write just 10 lines of code, I will do it. I will not let any day be a Zero day.
2. Be grateful to the 3 me's: Be grateful to the past 'me'. past 'me' was the one who took this awesome step of writing a blog about this thing and started following these rules. Similarly, be grateful to your future 'me' as well. Feeling lazy, not motivated enough? Do it for your future 'me'. About to break the zero day rule ? Dont do it for the future 'me' and then in future thank the past 'me'
3. Forgive yourself: Feel like you wasted much of your time, or that you could have achieved much more. Being disappointed in yourself causes you to be less productive. So, dont fret about what could have happened if you would have done something else. Just forgive yourself. Do it for the future 'me'.
4. Books and exercise: I cant emphasize it enough how important is exercise. Even a long run in the park will help your mind remain alert and active due to the various endorphines your brain releases after an exercise. Just include exercising in your 'No more zero days' rule. And, secondly read books. Read long articles on the topics that interest you. Not the tldr shit. Read the whole article. Buy some books. Read them, dont just skim the pages. Read them. Have a pencil or a highlighter as a proof, so that future 'me' can thank the past 'me'.

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